
119 lines
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// This file is part of Moonfire NVR, a security camera network video recorder.
// Copyright (C) 2021 The Moonfire NVR Authors; see AUTHORS and LICENSE.txt.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-v3.0-or-later WITH GPL-3.0-linking-exception.
#![cfg_attr(all(feature = "nightly", test), feature(test))]
use base::Error;
use bpaf::{Bpaf, Parser};
use std::ffi::OsStr;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use tracing::{debug, error};
mod body;
mod cmds;
mod h264;
mod json;
mod mp4;
mod slices;
mod stream;
mod streamer;
mod web;
#[cfg(feature = "bundled-ui")]
mod bundled_ui;
const DEFAULT_DB_DIR: &str = "/var/lib/moonfire-nvr/db";
const VERSION: &str = git_version::git_version!(args = ["--always", "--dirty"]);
/// Moonfire NVR: security camera network video recorder.
#[derive(Bpaf, Debug)]
#[bpaf(options, version(VERSION))]
enum Args {
// See docstrings of `cmds::*::Args` structs for a description of the respective subcommands.
Check(#[bpaf(external(cmds::check::args))] cmds::check::Args),
Config(#[bpaf(external(cmds::config::args))] cmds::config::Args),
Init(#[bpaf(external(cmds::init::args))] cmds::init::Args),
Login(#[bpaf(external(cmds::login::args))] cmds::login::Args),
Run(#[bpaf(external(cmds::run::args))] cmds::run::Args),
Sql(#[bpaf(external(cmds::sql::args))] cmds::sql::Args),
Ts(#[bpaf(external(cmds::ts::args))] cmds::ts::Args),
Upgrade(#[bpaf(external(cmds::upgrade::args))] cmds::upgrade::Args),
impl Args {
fn run(self) -> Result<i32, Error> {
match self {
Args::Check(a) => cmds::check::run(a),
Args::Config(a) => cmds::config::run(a),
Args::Init(a) => cmds::init::run(a),
Args::Login(a) => cmds::login::run(a),
Args::Run(a) => cmds::run::run(a),
Args::Sql(a) => cmds::sql::run(a),
Args::Ts(a) => cmds::ts::run(a),
Args::Upgrade(a) => cmds::upgrade::run(a),
fn parse_db_dir() -> impl Parser<PathBuf> {
.help("Directory holding the SQLite3 index database.")
fn main() {
// If using the clock will fail, find out now *before* trying to log
// anything (with timestamps...) so we can print a helpful error.
if let Err(e) = nix::time::clock_gettime(nix::time::ClockId::CLOCK_MONOTONIC) {
"clock_gettime failed: {e}\n\n\
This indicates a broken environment. See the troubleshooting guide."
// Get the program name from the OS (e.g. if invoked as `target/debug/nvr`: `nvr`),
// falling back to the crate name if conversion to a path/UTF-8 string fails.
// `bpaf`'s default logic is similar but doesn't have the fallback.
let progname = std::env::args_os().next().map(PathBuf::from);
let progname = progname
let args = match args()
Ok(a) => a,
Err(e) => std::process::exit(e.exit_code()),
tracing::trace!("Parsed command-line arguments: {args:#?}");
match {
Err(e) => {
error!(err = %e.chain(), "exiting due to error");
Ok(rv) => {
debug!("exiting with status {}", rv);
mod tests {
fn bpaf_invariants() {